Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I am really happy now, my work on SPP is over. My project on standard parallel port is almost complete. I accessed SPP through a simple own built C program, it utilizes “inportb()” & “outportb()” function both included in “DOS.H “. I wrote three program ,1>to check that all data registers are correctly working or not & the connections are proper,

2> to send a string over to SPP data pin “D0”, one after other character in bits form (1=ON,0=OFF),pin no 2 on the port.

3> to send a morse code over to D0, starting & ending by ‘$’ sign, this one includes a laser fitted over the pin2, i.e D0.
I'll soon upload my programes too,with tips ,hints & comments.

1 comment:

Viral :) said...

Hi Vimal..
Nice to see your blog.. Well keep it up and keep bloging..

Viral Patel